Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Post apocalyptic abandoned Brewery

Once again Berlin offers up another amazing site to scour for any photographer. This time its Barenquell Brauerei. The brewery opened in 1882 but closed for good on April 1st 1994. Apparently it was renowned as one of the better beers behind the wall. More history can be found at the Irish Berliner's blog.
 This place was much more eerie to walk around that the hospital as it was in operation up until the 90's so there's much more stuff laying around which reminds you of the people that used to work there. One area had an apartment setup with kitchen and living room. Strangely, below that was some kind of large multiple shower room with all kinds of medical posters and strange bottles of mysterious fluids. Below that, down some dark dank stairs, was the basement which was flooded and way to creepy to explore.

Attention Berlin film crews, if you need someone to recce sites, I'm available!

An ocean of beer labels

Terry Gilliam could film Time Bandits 2 here, Supreme Being ready on set.

Today for show and tell, Azrael has her favorite skull-in-the-box.

The set is ready for Ahhhnuld and the T5 film crew.

It looks like plants growing out of the car but....its just a plastic Xmas tree:)
More photo's of this place and my other explorations on the Flickr site.


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

C-Base Berlin, nerd paradise

Disney thinks it has the happiest place on earth but Berlin has a contender to make the geeks delirious.

 The story goes that a space ship crashed into Berlin many moons ago and the C-Base group found it and are excavating the site. The part they've "unearthed" so far looks remarkably like a scifi bar but we are assured that there is much more down below.

yup, a mouse for a door bell.

At the entrance, sheets of reflective metal and coloured lights give a 50's Sci-Fi feel.

 So after a quick look around the main floor I headed for a staircase going down. Down there is a warren of Sci-Fi greeble to impress any film fan. The imagination of many a geek is on display with much enthusiasm. Lots of aircraft seats and upside down urinals that look like alien helmets etc...

When looking for this sort of decor I think it helps to be in a city with a fair bit of aviation history

See the alien alarm :)
 So at this point one of the inhabitants of this netherworld came by to say that there was an alien in the cabinet and that he could turn on the light to show it. The light never did work and when he realized that I wasn't a member of the "crew" and therefore an "alien" I would have to leave! But not before he pressed the alien alarm to alert the others huddled behind the lockers and greeble. Apparently I went into restricted territory and the rule is no one is allowed in this member area alone. So he escorted me back up stairs :D Wow, rather amusing how serious he took this situation.

 So it was about 5pm and dark and the place is right next to the river. As I come out, I see this tourist boat sail by with search lights blazing. Is it just me or is that reminiscent of the blimp from Blade Runner:

And then an elevated regional train came past adding a Fifth Element vibe to the scenario.
 The website for those who want to join up and continue the excavation... C-Base.


Monday, 21 November 2011


A few sights from the neon city. Some areas have a definite Sci-fi edge.


Amazing awesomeness at Heilstatte Grabowsee Part 2

I had to go back to this awesome place and did a few weeks later in October. The first trip was amazing but we didn't have time to see anything other than one building. This time we got there with more time to spare and it was great. STILL haven't seen it all, so stay tuned for part 3 :)

Nature taking it back step by step

Amazing sights like this are abundant here.  However when you're on the 2nd floor you have to wonder what it is you're standing on. And do you go up to the 3rd...?

We did and found this guy in the middle of the hallway.

Staircases like these seemed like the most secure places, even without the railings.

Left over from a music video. A great location for a horror film shoot or a sequel to The Shinning. This room was saying REDRUM!
The video is for Brandt Brauer Frick, here. I wonder if they went to the 3rd floor?
More photo's of this place and my other explorations on the Flickr site.
