Saturday, 30 November 2013

Barenquell Brauerei, perhaps the final visit.

Back in April I went to look around the Barenquell Brauerei abandoned brewery again. See previous visits here and here. I've heard that as of August there's a new fence around the place so perhaps its due to be torn down:(

A strange little room that was visible through a hole in the wall.

Organic duct tape.

  Once again this amazing place inspires some great compositions. Lets hope its still around next year.


Thursday, 14 November 2013

Wandering #2

A few more random things I found during travels and events in Berlin:

Lunchtime Concert:
Almost every Tuesday the Berliner Philharmoniker performs a free lunchtime concert for anyone who shows up. It appears to be quite popular:

  That was a big crowd for a cold Tuesday in January I'd say. If you'd like to check it out, there's more info here.

Yosemite Sam's place in Berlin:
   This is an impressive playground. The whole thing seems to be based on a classic Bugs Bunny cartoon set with everything heavily stylized and toonified. There are some nice details like wanted posters, cow skull, buzzards and cartoon mice in there. Its on Frobenstrasse in Shoneberg.

Beaky Buzzard's German cousin.


Cheers til later.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Camping south of Berlin

Back in July my girlfriend and I went camping with a bunch of friends. They found this campsite next to a lake to the south of Berlin. Easy to get to by train and someone from the site picked us up from the train station, very nice. The nearby town is called Dahmsdorf and the camp site is here:
  Its a good place if you want to get away from the city and be in a quiet forested area. Germans are not fond of noise in general and it seems our group (about 20) were talking a bit too loud (after 10pm) one evening and the owner got a bit grumpy. We think someone complained but we were not all that loud, no music just laughing. In any event, if you're looking for a QUIET place to camp with a tent near Berlin this could be a good place to consider.

  There's a path that (I think) goes all the way around the lake, Grosser Storkower See. That would be a very long walk though. We walked down a dirt road for about 20 minutes with wild forest on the lake side and planted forest on the other. It was hot and sunny so the shade was welcome.

The beach and swimming area at the campsite. Nice water.

One of the residents

  Not much in the way of wildlife around other than mosquito's, dragon flies, birds etc. I'd like to find something a bit more rough and wild, perhaps there's still a bit of the Black Forest out there somewhere?
