Monday, 5 August 2013

Wandering down new streets

Its been a long time since my last post as I've been busy. Lots of photo's have backed up on the drive. Over the next few weeks I'll be posting a bunch from various explorations in Berlin.

Loads of amazing lightning storms in the summer here.

Large Art Deco station in the metro.
This is a quiet Thursday evening near the closed Tempelhof airport, there's not much happening around here. Although much of Berlin feels this empty on more than a few occasions. Its still amazing to be riding down a large street and suddenly realize that there's no traffic around. A quick glance behind reveals cars way back there at a red light but even once they're released, its not a huge flood and you are back to having the road to yourself.

Not a museum but a bookstore.
A bookstore in the centre of Berlin, called Dussman's with many levels of books, DVD's and a central atrium of plants and trees. At the back of the store is this Egyptian sculpture. Behind that is a huge hanging garden with the store cafe downstairs. Water trickles down through the leaves creating very fresh air.
This is about 5 stories tall.

Staircase leading to a spa in the centre of Berlin

Nature strikes back
  There used to be a beautiful and large railway station called Anhalter Bahnhof in Kreuzberg. It was lost during an allied bombing raid and so the tracks were left and nature took back the land. Its been so long that trees are now absorbing the rails. This area is now part of Gleisdreieck Park in Kreuzberg and is therefore preserved as a reminder. I wonder if in another 50 years of this process, these rails may become airborne as the tree carries them with it.

Memories of a bygone time.

That's all for now.

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